Articles and tech tips about programming topics,
including Java 2 Micro Edition, Palm OS,
web applications, and Java in general
Details about my books:
1. MIDP for J2ME
2. Java 2 Micro Edition
3. Palm Database Programming
4. Make Easy Money with Google
Essays and commentaries on various topics,
not necessarily about programming
Press Releases
Press releases related to
this and other sites run by
Eric Giguere
Eric's J2ME Pages
Resources for Java 2 Micro Edition
Eric's BlackBerry Pages
Resources for BlackBerry programming
News and Recent Changes (Updated January 5, 2012)
- Read my disclaimer: I do not speak for Google
- Web Hosting Palooza! launches. Learn
about virtual private
server hosting, tips for dealing with your domain registrar
and more.
- Hard to believe, but The Unofficial AdSense Blog
recently celebrated its fifth anniversary!
- Take the Twitter Pledge
and save Twitter from inanity!
- Created a reviews section.
The first entry is a Beating AdWords review.
- Added an AdWords Tips and Resources section.
- Added the AdSense FAQ to
this site. Get all your AdSense questions answered here!
- My Google Suggest Explorer is a cool keyword tool that can be used for long-tail searches. Give it the start of a phrase, like say java or foodtv.com or
housing options,
and it will complete the phrase and let you quickly search Google for
those phrases or else drill down to deeper related phrases.
- Things are pretty busy on other sites, though not this one. My
Unofficial AdSense blog is still
going strong. I have a website
creation tool available for sale.
- Did a small reorg of the articles section
of this site. More to follow.
- The BlackBerry development
pages now reference my CluelessAbout
site, which has BlackBerry
and J2ME sections. The
concise BlackBerry information directory
is also of interest.
- Added a new tool, the Amazon
Product Viewer. It lets you view the information about any product
on Amazon given the product's ISBN/ASIN. A simple example of Amazon Web
Services in action.
- Having been on the Internet since the late 80's, I've answered more
than a few questions in my day. To gather those answers into a single
spot, I thought I'd create CluelessAbout.com,
a new questions-and-answers site.
It's kind of bare right now, but expect it to fill up over the next few
weeks with all kinds of information about random things I'm interested
in. So send in your questions!
- On that note, one of the first entries on CluelessAbout.com is
called "Redscowl Bluesingsky" or "Redscowl-Bluesingsky"?.
If it doesn't make sense to you, don't worry, it's my lame attempt
at participating in an SEO contest.
- Added a press releases
section to the site.
- Be sure to follow my AdSense
case study as I build my Invisible Fence Guide
from scratch and turn it into a well-oiled money-making machine. (Well, perhaps just
a very squeaky money-making machine.)
- Read my interview with
The Record (PDF format) in which I discuss my latest book, Make
Easy Money with Google: Using the AdSense Advertising Program. The Record
is the daily newspaper that serves the cities and towns in the
Regional Municipality of
Waterloo, including the City
of Waterloo where I am based.
- My new AdSense book,
Make Easy Money with Google: Using the AdSense Advertising Program
is now shipping! This is a book for computer users, not
computer geeks, but if you're a technical person and
you liked any of my previous books,
this is a great one to recommend to your friends and family.
See what's new for the full details