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EricGiguere.com > Essays > William Shatner: Nameless Cereal Box Celebrity Who Boldly Goes Thanks to All-Bran
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William Shatner: Nameless Cereal Box Celebrity Who Boldly Goes Thanks to All-Bran

by Eric Giguere
October 6, 2003

William Shatner, a.k.a. Captain James T. Kirk, is on my cereal box, but I don't really know why. Well, I do — he's doing endorsements for Kellogg's — but it's kind of funny the way he shows up on my cereal box. Pick up a box of Kellogg's All-Bran cereal in Canada and you'll see his face printed on the front and the back of the box, as shown below.

The front of the All-Bran cereal box featuring the face of William Shatner The back of the All-Bran cereal box featuring the face of William Shatner
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

His face is there, but not his name! The quote next to his picture on the front of the box may or may not be his:

"A healthy diet low in saturated and trans fats may reduce the risk of heart disease. All-Bran Original cereal is low in saturated and trans fats."

(This is certainly true. I'm surprised they don't mention irritable bowel syndrome, aka IBS, as well, though. Anyone who suffers from IBS knows that eating lots of dietary fibre is one way to control the symptoms. Given the rising incidence of IBS, you'd think they'd be promoting that too.)

His face also shows up, again without attribution, on the All-Bran website.

So why is Shatner's picture on the box? Maybe it's because he's had long-term constipation problems and has finally found relief by eating extra fibre?

Or, to put it better: to boldly go like no man has gone before!

For more humor, see Why the Vioxx Recall Reduced Spam.

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