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EricGiguere.com > Books > Palm Database Programming > Chapter 1
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Palm Database Programming — The Electronic Version

Chapter 1: Introduction

This material was published in 1999. See the free Palm OS Programming online course I developed for CodeWarriorU for some updated material.

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Do you remember the thrill you felt when you first used a Palm organizer? If your next thought was how do I program this thing? then this book is for you, because in it and its accompanying CD-ROM you'll find the tools and information you need to write applications for Palm devices, specifically applications that connect to external databases using technology from Sybase and Oracle. You'll learn the basics of the Palm operating system and how to use the development tools to build, run, and debug applications. You'll explore the code behind the Palm user interface. You'll learn about Palm databases, relational databases, and data synchronization. When you're done reading this book you'll be able to write interactive database programs for the Palm platform. All you need is a basic knowledge of C/C++ and the desire to learn about Palm and database programming.

Eric's Comments: Ignore all references to the CD-ROM. Licensing issues make it impossible for me to provide the CD-ROM contents electronically. The software on the CD-ROM is extremely outdated, anyhow. Also, the chapters on relational databases and data synchronization are not included on this website — I only have permission to post the first five chapters on this website.

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Copyright ©1999 by Eric Giguere. All rights reserved. From Palm Database Programming: The Complete Developer's Guide. Reprinted here with permission from the publisher. Please see the copyright and disclaimer notices for more details.

If you find the material useful, consider buying one of my books, linking to this site from your own site or in your weblog, or sending me a note.

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This page was last modified on November 15, 2003
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