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EricGiguere.com > Articles by Eric Giguere
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Articles by Eric Giguere

On this page you'll find links to various articles that I've written. Some are hosted on this site, some are on other sites I run, some are on completely independent sites. You may also want to investigate some of the blogs that I run, including my award-nominated AdSense blog and my quirky affiliate marketing blog.

Technical Articles

I started out writing technical articles, and still do a fair chunk of them. Here's a selection of them, organized into categories.

Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME, now Java ME) Programming

General Java Programming

C Programming

Web Browsers

Internet Marketing

Along the way, I developed an interest in Internet marketing, with a special emphasis on Google's AdSense program.

Google AdSense

Alternatives to AdSense


Stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else!

Google Web www.ericgiguere.com   
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Site design and programming by Eric Giguere | Hosting by KGB Internet Solutions
This site is Java-powered
Other sites: The Unofficial AdSense Blog | Google Suggest Explorer | Invisible Fence Guide | Synclastic
This page was last modified on January 16, 2007
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1-by-1 black pixel for creating lines