Recommended Books
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Book Recommendations

There are many, many good books to read. Here are a few that I've read and liked, in no particular order.

Cover of Mobile and Wireless Design Essentials, a book about wireless design    Mobile and Wireless Design Essentials
Written by Martyn Mallick, a co-worker of mine, this is a really good book for anyone interested in understanding wireless technologies. It's not a book about coding, so it will interest more than just programmers.
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Cover of Google Hacks, a book about using Google    Google Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools
If you use Google, this book's for you. It shows you how to make the most of Google to search the web, and how to write scripts that use Google to perform a variety of tasks. I especially like the section on how to make a high-ranking Google-friendly site.
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Cover of The Nudist on the Late Shift, a book about the crazy world of Silicon Valley    The Nudist on the Late Shift
Those of us who don't work in Silicon Valley always wonder what's it like. This book explores the weird world of Silicon Valley through the eyes of those who work there. A fun read, although it would be interesting to see it updated in light of the dot-com crash — I bet those would be interesting tales as well.
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This page was last modified on October 13, 2003
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