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Palm Database Programming — The Electronic Version

Chapter 3: Development Tools and Software Development Kits

This material was published in 1999. See the free Palm OS Programming online course I developed for CodeWarriorU for some updated material.

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The Console

The Palm OS console allows you to do low-level debugging of a device, including the Palm OS Emulator. The console is a window on your desktop computer that you can use to interrogate the device and perform some basic operations. For example, the console allows you to download or update databases, see the list of installed databases (including applications), and examine the memory heaps.

To access the console with CodeWarrior, select the "Open Debug Console" menu item in the Palm OS menu. The console display window appears. If the Palm OS Emulator is running, you can immediately start typing some commands right into the text field, otherwise CodeWarrior will wait for you to place your device in debug mode. To get a list of the applications installed on the device, use the following command, ending the command by pressing the Enter key on the numeric keypad, not the Enter key on the regular keyboard:

Dir -t appl

To display the alarm table, type the following command:


The Help command with no arguments lists all the commands that are available. To get help on a specific command, pass it as an argument to the Help command:

Help Dir

For more detailed information on the console commands that are available, consult the Palm OS 3.0 Cookbook.

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Copyright ©1999 by Eric Giguere. All rights reserved. From Palm Database Programming: The Complete Developer's Guide. Reprinted here with permission from the publisher. Please see the copyright and disclaimer notices for more details.

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